As we finish up our second week of work as Pittsburgh Fellows, I can’t help but think of the advice that Kirk Botula gave us on only our second day of orientation: “habituate courage.” For some of the Fellows, finding courage may have been easy or natural. For others, it may have required many moments of fear and prayer. Personally, I have had moments of both natural courage and fear of the unknown in the recent weeks. Prior to move in day, I was fearful of meeting many new people (some of whom I would immediately be living with) and beginning a new career at the same time. However, as He always does, the Lord was working through every moment and making a way for a successful transition from college life to life as a Pittsburgh Fellow. After only one nervous day, our Fellows class bonded quickly through orientation classes, spontaneous trips out to ice cream and Target, and book studies. In these moments, I began to recognize that not only has God made a place for me as a Pittsburgh Fellow, but he has made a place for every individual in my class as well. With this reassurance, I was able to confidently begin my new job at Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship. The Lord’s providence and grace are allowing me to habituate courage and pursue community in my Fellows class and in my workplace. While at first, the Fellows seemed like a daunting task, I now know that God has made a way for each of us to be here. At this moment I am so eager to see what the next nine months hold. I look forward to continuing to habituate courage in our book studies, our conversations, and in the workplace.
--Hannah Courtney, Class of '25
Fellow at Shepherd's Heart