In just a few short weeks, we will welcome the 20th class of Pittsburgh Fellows to Sewickley. This cohort of 5 men and 5 women have made the choice to pursue the Lord as they begin their careers, to intentionally develop the habits and patterns necessary to seek His glory and not their own. To become servant leaders who pursue excellence in their work, lives, and service.
As program director, I am privileged to have a front-row seat for the transformational year God has in store for each of them. The Fellows year is full of investment - the investment Fellows themselves make in personal, professional and communal growth, and the investment so many others in our network make in helping our Fellows grow and develop. Mentors, employers, members and ministry leaders of the St. Stephen’s Church congregation, business and spiritual leaders throughout our city will all join together in a common goal to help our Fellows start well as they make the transition from college student to adult professional.
“I learned the importance of intentionality in attitude; that daily choices would lead to a life and career that glorified God or served myself. I wanted to live a life that mattered, and in Pittsburgh Fellows I received the direction and support necessary to develop a foundation to seek God first in all things.” Quote by Pittsburgh Fellows Alumnus
Each Fellow will have their own unique journey this year and yet all will share in the common experience of being met by the Lord to be shaped and molded for His purposes. I am grateful for the gift of walking alongside them during this transitional year and for the joy of helping them discover more about themselves and God’s call on their lives. It is a gift to witness the fruits of the investments made as lives are transformed and courses set. Equipping our Fellows to pursue and serve the Lord in all areas of their lives makes an eternal difference not just for them, but for every neighborhood and work place in which they will live, serve and worship once they graduate and leave the program.
Welcome Pittsburgh Fellows Class of 2025 - I can’t wait to see how God will use you for His purposes!
--Julie McCormick
Executive Director, Pittsburgh Fellows